2 Corinthians

Chapter 6

1 We then,1161 as workers together4903 with him, beseech3870 you also2532 that ye5209 receive1209 not3361 the3588 grace5485 of God2316 in1519 vain.2756

2 (For1063 he saith,3004 I have heard1873 thee4675 in a time2540 accepted,1184 and2532 in1722 the day2250 of salvation4991 have I succored997 thee:4671 behold,2400 now3568 is the accepted2144 time;2540 behold,2400 now3568 is the day2250 of salvation.)4991

3 Giving1325 no3367 offense4349 in1722 any thing,3367 that2443 the3588 ministry1248 be not3361 blamed: 3469

4 But235 in1722 all3956 things approving4921 ourselves1438 as5613 the ministers1249 of God,2316 in1722 much4183 patience,5281 in1722 afflictions,2347 in1722 necessities,318 in1722 distresses,4730

5 In1722 stripes,4127 in1722 imprisonments,5438 in1722 tumults,181 in1722 labors,2873 in1722 watchings,70 in1722 fastings;3521

6 By1722 pureness,54 by1722 knowledge,1108 by1722 longsuffering,3115 by1722 kindness,5544 by1722 the Holy40 Ghost,4151 by1722 love26 unfeigned,505

7 By1722 the word3056 of truth,225 by1722 the power1411 of God,2316 by1223 the3588 armor3696 of righteousness1343 on the3588 right hand1188 and2532 on the left,710

8 By1223 honor1391 and2532 dishonor,819 by1223 evil report1426 and2532 good report:2162 as5613 deceivers,4108 and2532 yet true;227

9 As5613 unknown,50 and2532 yet well known;1921 as5613 dying,599 and,2532 behold,2400 we live;2198 as5613 chastened,3811 and2532 not3361 killed;2289

10 As5613 sorrowful,3076 yet1161 always104 rejoicing;5463 as5613 poor,4434 yet1161 making many rich;4148 4183 as5613 having2192 nothing,3367 and2532 yet possessing2722 all things.3956

11 O ye Corinthians,2881 our2257 mouth4750 is open455 unto4314 you,5209 our2257 heart2588 is enlarged.4115

12 Ye are not3756 straitened4729 in1722 us,2254 but1161 ye are straitened4729 in1722 your own5216 bowels.4698

13 Now1161 for a recompense489 in the3588 same, I846 (speak3004 as5613 unto my children,)5043 be ye5210 also2532 enlarged.4115

14 Be1096 ye not3361 unequally yoked together2086 with unbelievers:571 for1063 what5101 fellowship3352 hath righteousness1343 with2532 unrighteousness?458 and1161 what5101 communion2842 hath light5457 with4314 darkness?4655

15 And1161 what5101 concord4857 hath Christ5547 with4314 Belial?955 or2228 what part3310 hath he that believeth4103 with3326 an infidel?571

16 And1161 what5101 agreement4783 hath the temple3485 of God2316 with3326 idols?1497 for1063 ye5210 are2075 the temple3485 of the living2198 God;2316 as2531 God2316 hath said,2036 I will dwell1774 in1722 them,846 and2532 walk in1704 them; and2532 I will be2071 their846 God,2316 and2532 they846 shall be2071 my3427 people.2992

17 Wherefore1352 come out1831 from1537 among3319 them,846 and2532 be ye separate,873 saith3004 the Lord,2962 and2532 touch680 not3361 the unclean169 thing; and I2504 will receive1523 you.5209

18 And2532 will be2071 a1519 Father3962 unto you,5213 and2532 ye5210 shall be2071 1519 my3427 sons5207 and2532 daughters,2364 saith3004 the Lord2962 Almighty.3841



1 我們與神同工的,也勸你們不可徒受他的恩典。

2 (因為他說:「在悅納的時候,我聽允了[heard]你;在拯救的日子,我搭救了你。」看哪。現在正是悅納的時候;現在正是拯救的日子。)

3 我們凡事都不叫人有妨礙,免得這職分被人毀謗;

4 反倒在各樣的事上表明自己是神的執事[ministers],就如在許多的忍耐、患難、窮乏、困苦、

5 鞭打、監禁、擾亂、勤勞、警醒、不食、

6 廉潔、知識、恆忍、恩慈、聖靈的感化、無偽的愛心、

7 真實的道理、神的大能;公義[righteousness]盔甲[armour]在左在右;

8 榮耀、羞辱,惡名、美名;似乎是迷惑人的[deceivers],卻是誠實的;

9 似乎不為人所知,卻是人所共知的;似乎要死,看哪[behold]。我們[we]卻是活著的;似乎受責罰,卻是不至喪命的;

10 似乎憂愁,卻是常常快樂的;似乎貧窮,卻是叫許多人富足的;似乎一無所有,卻是樣樣都有的。

11 哥林多人哪,我們向你們,口是張開的,心是寬宏的。

12 你們狹窄,原不在乎我們,是在乎自己的心腸狹窄。

13 你們也要照樣用寬宏的心報答我。(我這話正像對自己的孩子說的。)

14 你們和不信的原不相配,不要同負一軛。義和不義有甚麼相交呢?光明和黑暗有甚麼相通呢?

15 基督和彼列有甚麼相和呢?信主的和不信主的有甚麼相干呢?

16 神的殿和偶像有甚麼相同呢?因為你們[ye]是永生神的殿,就如神曾說:「我要在他們中間居住,在他們中間來往;我要作他們的神;他們要作我的子民。」

17 [Lord]又說:「你們務要從他們中間出來,與他們分別;不要沾不潔淨的物,我就收納你們。

18 我要作你們的父;你們要作我的兒女。這是主全能者[Lord Almighty]說的。」

2 Corinthians

Chapter 6



1 We then,1161 as workers together4903 with him, beseech3870 you also2532 that ye5209 receive1209 not3361 the3588 grace5485 of God2316 in1519 vain.2756

1 我們與神同工的,也勸你們不可徒受他的恩典。

2 (For1063 he saith,3004 I have heard1873 thee4675 in a time2540 accepted,1184 and2532 in1722 the day2250 of salvation4991 have I succored997 thee:4671 behold,2400 now3568 is the accepted2144 time;2540 behold,2400 now3568 is the day2250 of salvation.)4991

2 (因為他說:「在悅納的時候,我聽允了[heard]你;在拯救的日子,我搭救了你。」看哪。現在正是悅納的時候;現在正是拯救的日子。)

3 Giving1325 no3367 offense4349 in1722 any thing,3367 that2443 the3588 ministry1248 be not3361 blamed: 3469

3 我們凡事都不叫人有妨礙,免得這職分被人毀謗;

4 But235 in1722 all3956 things approving4921 ourselves1438 as5613 the ministers1249 of God,2316 in1722 much4183 patience,5281 in1722 afflictions,2347 in1722 necessities,318 in1722 distresses,4730

4 反倒在各樣的事上表明自己是神的執事[ministers],就如在許多的忍耐、患難、窮乏、困苦、

5 In1722 stripes,4127 in1722 imprisonments,5438 in1722 tumults,181 in1722 labors,2873 in1722 watchings,70 in1722 fastings;3521

5 鞭打、監禁、擾亂、勤勞、警醒、不食、

6 By1722 pureness,54 by1722 knowledge,1108 by1722 longsuffering,3115 by1722 kindness,5544 by1722 the Holy40 Ghost,4151 by1722 love26 unfeigned,505

6 廉潔、知識、恆忍、恩慈、聖靈的感化、無偽的愛心、

7 By1722 the word3056 of truth,225 by1722 the power1411 of God,2316 by1223 the3588 armor3696 of righteousness1343 on the3588 right hand1188 and2532 on the left,710

7 真實的道理、神的大能;公義[righteousness]盔甲[armour]在左在右;

8 By1223 honor1391 and2532 dishonor,819 by1223 evil report1426 and2532 good report:2162 as5613 deceivers,4108 and2532 yet true;227

8 榮耀、羞辱,惡名、美名;似乎是迷惑人的[deceivers],卻是誠實的;

9 As5613 unknown,50 and2532 yet well known;1921 as5613 dying,599 and,2532 behold,2400 we live;2198 as5613 chastened,3811 and2532 not3361 killed;2289

9 似乎不為人所知,卻是人所共知的;似乎要死,看哪[behold]。我們[we]卻是活著的;似乎受責罰,卻是不至喪命的;

10 As5613 sorrowful,3076 yet1161 always104 rejoicing;5463 as5613 poor,4434 yet1161 making many rich;4148 4183 as5613 having2192 nothing,3367 and2532 yet possessing2722 all things.3956

10 似乎憂愁,卻是常常快樂的;似乎貧窮,卻是叫許多人富足的;似乎一無所有,卻是樣樣都有的。

11 O ye Corinthians,2881 our2257 mouth4750 is open455 unto4314 you,5209 our2257 heart2588 is enlarged.4115

11 哥林多人哪,我們向你們,口是張開的,心是寬宏的。

12 Ye are not3756 straitened4729 in1722 us,2254 but1161 ye are straitened4729 in1722 your own5216 bowels.4698

12 你們狹窄,原不在乎我們,是在乎自己的心腸狹窄。

13 Now1161 for a recompense489 in the3588 same, I846 (speak3004 as5613 unto my children,)5043 be ye5210 also2532 enlarged.4115

13 你們也要照樣用寬宏的心報答我。(我這話正像對自己的孩子說的。)

14 Be1096 ye not3361 unequally yoked together2086 with unbelievers:571 for1063 what5101 fellowship3352 hath righteousness1343 with2532 unrighteousness?458 and1161 what5101 communion2842 hath light5457 with4314 darkness?4655

14 你們和不信的原不相配,不要同負一軛。義和不義有甚麼相交呢?光明和黑暗有甚麼相通呢?

15 And1161 what5101 concord4857 hath Christ5547 with4314 Belial?955 or2228 what part3310 hath he that believeth4103 with3326 an infidel?571

15 基督和彼列有甚麼相和呢?信主的和不信主的有甚麼相干呢?

16 And1161 what5101 agreement4783 hath the temple3485 of God2316 with3326 idols?1497 for1063 ye5210 are2075 the temple3485 of the living2198 God;2316 as2531 God2316 hath said,2036 I will dwell1774 in1722 them,846 and2532 walk in1704 them; and2532 I will be2071 their846 God,2316 and2532 they846 shall be2071 my3427 people.2992

16 神的殿和偶像有甚麼相同呢?因為你們[ye]是永生神的殿,就如神曾說:「我要在他們中間居住,在他們中間來往;我要作他們的神;他們要作我的子民。」

17 Wherefore1352 come out1831 from1537 among3319 them,846 and2532 be ye separate,873 saith3004 the Lord,2962 and2532 touch680 not3361 the unclean169 thing; and I2504 will receive1523 you.5209

17 [Lord]又說:「你們務要從他們中間出來,與他們分別;不要沾不潔淨的物,我就收納你們。

18 And2532 will be2071 a1519 Father3962 unto you,5213 and2532 ye5210 shall be2071 1519 my3427 sons5207 and2532 daughters,2364 saith3004 the Lord2962 Almighty.3841

18 我要作你們的父;你們要作我的兒女。這是主全能者[Lord Almighty]說的。」